Affiliation and Official Address
Department of Urban planning Theory and History of Architecture,
Faculty of Arhitecture,
University of Structural Engineering & Architecture "Lyuben Karavelov",
Sofia - 1373, 175 Suhodolska str., Bulgaria,
Education (dates, degrees, universities):
1983 М.Sci. Art and Architecture History, Faculty of History, Moscow State University “M. V. Lomonosov”
1996 Ph.D. Institute for History of Art, Bulgarian Academy of science, doctoral thesis “Portrait in the Ecclesiastical space In the Bulgarian Revival period”.
Career/Employment (dates, positions, employers):
1983 – guide in Department of “Old Bulgarian Art” in the National Art Gallery
1985 – curator in Department of Graphic Art in National Art Gallery since 1995 – curator in the Department of Modern Bulgarian Art, division of Bulgarian Revival Art
2014-2015 - Chief Curator of the Department of Modern Bulgarian Art the National Art Gallery
Since 2007 – Assoc. Prof. and Lecturer of History of Art, History of Antique Architecture, History of Medieval Architecture, Preservation of Architectural Monuments at the Department of Urban planning Theory and History of Architecture, Faculty of Arhitecture, University of Structural Engineering & Architecture "Lyuben Karavelov" - Sofia
Postdoctoral Specialization (specify) main field:
1997-1999 – Central European University, Budapest, “Portrait in the period of the transition from the Middle Age to New Time in the countries of East and South East Europe”. (postdoctoral thesis)
other fields:
1998 – The Architectural peculiarities of the Bulgarian St. Stefan church in Istanbul.
Current research interest: History of art and history of architecture
2005 – honorary mark of the Union of Scients in Bulgaria;
President of the section of History in the Union of Bulgarian scientists, since 2005 secretary of the Sectiont.
President of the Bulgarian section of International Association of Critics if Art AICA, since 2018.
Member of the section of Critique in the Union of Bulgarian painters.
Since 2005 – member of the Professional Women’s Advisory Board; member of the Research Board of Advisors of American Biographical Institute.
1. Ivanova, Bl. Portretat prez Balgarskoto Vazrazhdane. S., 2001 (The Portet in Bulgarian Revival)
2. Ivanova, Bl. Nikolay Pavlovich. Osnovni kolekcii v Balgaria. S., 2006.(Nikolaus Pavlovich. The main collections). On CD.
3. Иванова, Бл. Петдесет портрета. Живопис, рисунка, графика от сбирката на Александър Керезов. Изд."Агато", София, 2008. Иванова, Бл., Ал. Керезов. Забравените художници на България. Творби от сбирката на Александър Керезов., Изд."Агато", София, 2013.
4. Бл. Иванова, В. Върбанова. София-Солун. Сравнително изследване на паметниците на архитектурата от античността и средновековието. С., 2015.
5. Иванова, Бл. Познати-непознати, известни-неизвестни. Колекция Александър Керезов. С., 2018, 88 с., (ISBN: 978-619-188-198-7)
6. Иванова, Бл. Българският архитектурен комплекс на Златния рог. Изд. „Парадигма“, 470 с., (ISBN: 978-954-326-354-7)
7. Иванова, Бл. Исторически контекст на архитектурата по българските земи. История, общество, културни модели. С., ВСУ „Любен Каравелов“, 2018, 161 с., ISBN 978-954-331-082-1
8. Иванова, Бл. Манастирски и селищни храмове с Софийска епархия. Наблюдение, състояние, анализи, достъпност 2015 – 2017 г. С., 2019, ВСУ „Любен Каравелов“
Selected publications
Ivanova, Bl. Srednevekovye komponentы v strukture zhivopisnogo portreta na zare Novogo vremeni v stranah Vostochnoy i Yugo-Vostochnoy Evropy. - Slavyanovedenie, 2005, № 2, s. 88-98, variant: Acta Slavica Iaponica, 2005, Tomus 22, pp|. 215-237. (Medieval components in the structure of painting portrait to the transition of New Time in the countries of East and South-East Europe. – Slavyanovedenie, and a large variant in Acta Slavica Iaponica. Journal of Slavic Research Center, Hokkaido University Copyright © 2005 by the Slavic Research Center -
Ivanova, Bl. Proekti i idei za balgarskata carkva "Sv. Stefan" v Carigrad. - Dokladi na nauchna konferencia s mezhdunarodno uchastie VSU' 2006 22 may - 23 may, 2006 Sofia, Balgaria, t. 1, s. 39-45. (Projects and ideas for Bulgarian church St. Stefan in Istanbul. – Reports of the science Conference with international participation VSU' 2006).
Ivanova, Bl. The Bulgarian St Stefan church in Istanbul: an architectural project from 1890s and its multifunctional application in Bulgaria.// KSI Transactions on Knolege society. A publication of the Knowlege Society Institute. Vol. VI, Number 1, March 2013. Scientific-technical union of mechanical engineering, pp. 14-18 (ISSN 1313-4787)
Ivanova B., R. Ganev, M. Drdácký, Historical and Condition Survey of the St. Stefan Bulgarian Metal Church in Istanbul, International Journal of Architectural Heritage: Conservation, Analysis, and Restoration, vol. 7 (6), 2013, 693-714
Иванова, Бл. Ведущие музеи в Софии: концепция, стратегия, ситуация //Вопросы музеологии, 1(7)/2013, с. 148 - 155 (ISSN: 2219-6269)
Bl. Ivanova, N. Barovski. The Bulgarian St Stefan Church in Istanbul. Technology for increasing of Service Live of Rusted iron Works. - ISTIAM 2013. International Historical Peninsula. Symposium, 1-5 Octobre 2013, Istanbul, 2014, pp.447 – 455 (ISBN: 978-975-461-510-4).
Zdravko Bonev, Boyko Ranguelov, Blagovesta Ivanova, Nadejda Kirova, Liuben Petrov, Valentin Likov, Liuben Elenkov, Vesselina Dalgacheva MONITORING SYSTEM FOR THE STRUCTURES OF MONUMETS OF THE CULTURE. // VI Международна научна конференция ВСУ’2016, Vol. 1, pp. 124- 129
Zdravko Bonev, Boyko Ranguelov, Blagovesta Ivanova, Nadejda Kirova, Liuben Petrov, Valentin Likov, Liuben Elenkov, Vesselina Dalgacheva. RISK MANAGEMENT FOR THE STRUCTURES OF MONUMETS OF THE CULTURE.// VI Международна научна конференция ВСУ’2016, Vol. 1, pp. 118-123.
Other publications are accessible in Google Scoolar, Research Gate and
The author have publications in periodical editions in Turkey, the Ukraine, Spain, Italy, Japan etc.